

You are packing your suitcase for a long-awaited vacation trip and find that you have extra space in your bag. Why not take advantage of the baggage allowance to bring something extra to the children and young in need in the country you are to visit? 

Our mission at Happy Suitcase is to help you to find the right receivers. This can apply to a school or an orphanage, for example an address, phone number, contact person. 

But above all we keep in touch with our receivers and check what is most in demand.


When you get to your hotel, you have two options. 

Either you call directly to the school or orphanage and ask the contact person to pick up your package. 

Or why not make a personal visit to deliver your package, take some pictures and write a few lines about the receiver? Then send your pictures and text to Happy Suitcase and we will happy to put it up on this page!


Delivery door to door that actually arrives, it can not get much better! 

Right now we are looking for more receivers at schools and orphanages. Please help us with suggestions! 

Click into the tip box and help us to relieve poverty.
